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All CeramTec products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant CeramTec: 3D printing solutions, ceramic catalyst carriers, capacitors, substrates, radiators, hip joint components, dental implants, dipping molds, cooling systems, hermetically sealed devices, passive components, sensors, transducers, piezoceramics, pipes, tubes, substrates
  • 3D Printing Solutions CeramTec
    3D Printing Solutions
    AM SiSiC et al.
  • Cutting materials CeramTec
    Cutting materials
    PFL-063-05SP1388R-AM and others.
  • Ceramic catalyst carriers CeramTec
    Ceramic catalyst carriers
    rings, spheres, etc.
  • Ceramic capacitors CeramTec
    Ceramic capacitors
    cylindrical, disc, etc.
  • Ceramics in electric vehicles CeramTec
    Ceramics in electric vehicles
    CeramCool, SiC, etc.
  • Molding Tools CeramTec
    Molding Tools
    drawing cones, etc.
  • Hermetically sealed components CeramTec
    Hermetically sealed components
    9809-01-W, 9809-02-W, etc.
  • Passive components CeramTec
    Passive components
    cores, etc.
  • Measurement sensors CeramTec
    Measurement sensors
    200kHz Sensor, etc.
  • Ceramics in medical technologies CeramTec
    Ceramics in medical technologies
  • Ceramics in metalworking CeramTec
    Ceramics in metalworking
    Al2TiO5, SiC, etc.
  • Piezoceramics and piezotechnology CeramTec
    Piezoceramics and piezotechnology
    SONOX LF1, SONOX LF100, etc.
  • Ceramic pipes and tubes CeramTec
    Ceramic pipes and tubes
    Pormulit C 530, etc.
  • Ceramics for protective purposes CeramTec
    Ceramics for protective purposes
    hemispheres, biforms, etc.
  • Ceramic components CeramTec
    Ceramic components
    rings, bearings, etc.
  • Semiconductor industry CeramTec
    Semiconductor industry
    plates, cartridges, etc.
  • Sensors and transducers CeramTec
    Sensors and transducers
    09254, 09168, etc.
  • Silicate technology CeramTec
    Silicate technology
    wicks, sockets, etc.
  • Substrates CeramTec
    Al2O3, AlN, etc.
  • Textile equipment CeramTec
    Textile equipment
    Cerasoft G et al.
  • Wear protection CeramTec
    Wear protection
    linings, shredders, etc.


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